Religious Education (RE)


We want children to make sense of a range of religious and non-religious beliefs, so that
they can:
  • Identify, describe, explain and analyse beliefs and concepts in the context of living religions
  • Use appropriate vocabulary
  • Explain how and why these beliefs are understood in different ways, by individuals and within communities
  • Recognise how and why sources of authority (e.g. texts, teachings, traditions, leaders) are used, expressed and interpreted in different ways, developing skills of interpretation

We want children to understand the impact and significance of religious and non-religious
beliefs, so that they can:
  • Examine and explain how and why people express their beliefs in diverse ways
  • Recognise and account for ways in which people put their beliefs into action in diverse ways, in their everyday lives, within their communities and in the wider world
  • Appreciate and appraise the significance of different ways of life and ways of expressing meaning

We want children to make connections between religious and non-religious beliefs, concepts,
practices and ideas studied, so that they can:
  • Evaluate, reflect on and enquire into key concepts and questions studied, responding thoughtfully and creatively, giving good reasons for their responses
  • Challenge the ideas studied, and allow the ideas studied to challenge their own thinking, articulating beliefs, values and commitments clearly in response
  • Discern possible connections between the ideas studied and their own ways of understanding the world, expressing their critical responses and personal reflections with increasing clarity and understanding


Since September 2021 the school has used the new Cornwall agreed syllabus 2020-2025.

The curriculum begins with programs of study in EYFS and continues in phases to the end of key Stage 2.


Three Strands

Teaching of each unit uses the three strands, which are outlined in the Syllabus and illustrated in the diagram.

These are :

Making sense of beliefs

Understanding the impact

Making connections


Children will know about the religions and beliefs of people in local, national and global contexts.

Children will know about the similarities and differences between different world religions, common themes as well as individual characteristics.

Children will have an appreciation of diversity and develop tolerance and respect for the beliefs of others. This will enable them to participate positively in society.

Teachers will assess and report on outcomes in RE against the learning objectives from the curriculum.

Progress and attainment are assessed by our school's lead for the subject and triangulated with pupil voice and lesson observations as well as scrutiny of outcomes.

Here are some Pupil Voice quotes from some of our children:

“RE teaches us about Religions around the world; it helps us know how to treat people with different religions to us.”  Y6 Pupil


“We learn RE because if we came across someone with a different religion we would understand their beliefs and not offend them.”  Y6 Pupil


“It makes me feel good learning about what other people believe; I am interested in this.” Y6 Pupil


“I remember making apple crumble, when we were learning about harvest .”   Y2 Pupil


“We went to the Church and learnt lots about the items there.  I found out about the font!" Y2 Pupil

Cornwall Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025